Saturday, January 29, 2011


I looked down into the depths of that clear and moving water
I saw memories shimmering in and out of the past

I listened as gentle breezes carried the sounds of the woods
I heard echoes of other times returning from far down the canyon

I stroked the gnarly bark of an ancient evergreen
I felt the calm which flowed from far beneath its surface

I breathed deeply of the earth, moistened by the gentle rains
I smelled the smoky fires that once had kept us safe

I walked alone in wasted landscapes dressed in filthy rags
I paused in the meadow as you bent to pick some flowers

I worked with hateful strangers and counted each and every minute
I tried to hold onto every moment in which we sat in peace

I steeped in all the influences that droned on about me from all sides
I drew only upon the faint but clear light that I found within

I groped my way in the mists of the profoundest of confusion
I lost my sight while searching but began to gain a vision

I read of far off galaxies and creatures that lived long ago
I began to understand the anxiety which marked my whole life thru

I gazed upon the yellow aspen leaves as they trembled in the fall
I felt my spirit rise into the deep blue sky which framed them

I sensed the gentle return of Spring upon my cheeks and forehead
I no longer had a need to stare straight into the sun simply to be sure

I stumbled on the broadest trail in the clearest light of day
I fell alone but then arose to find you there and awaiting me

I could pay no attention to the slow marching of all the passing years
I found myself in ever greater debt to many I would never know

I watched the sun go slowly down and then quickly disappear
I noted with interest, but not sorrow, the lines upon my hands

I found quiet joy in the large snowflakes that fell slowly from all directions
I dreamed a robot said on TV that factory food was his home cooking

I grew stronger playing happily in the shade of those old trees
I grew old standing quietly, protecting others from the sun

I sold out to the unfaithful for little more than a song
I finally went quite bankrupt and gladly mortgaged just my soul

I watched the tiny wavelets produced by a pebble
I saw a young boy skipping stones on a glacial lake long ago

I noticed that it had grown quite late and the streets were very empty
I hurried ever onward but slowly realized that I was not sure of the way

I leaped wide from basic instincts to unsupported conclusions
I fell so far I had no more need of either reason or excuses

I listened as the crows gathered and each tried to talk at once
I heard but a single voice that was both calm and reassuring

I walked far up an unknown trail hoping just to find a quiet overlook
I turned that last corner just as the first raindrops began to fall

I spoke but little as the days grew short and their shadows lengthened
I told these simple stories that I did not understand and no one else could hear

I looked upon peaks buried deep in snow, glistening in the winter sun
I wished that I had seen them before all these tourists had arrived

I listened for the faint tinkling of the gentle rain upon the windows
I heard that old wooden clock still ticking somewhere in the past

I studied many subjects during long years spent at all those schools
I learned so slowly that I could know but little in my very short lifetime

I spoke out often and with vigor when things did not seem right
I kept to myself when I finally realized that it had the same effect

I traveled on for what seemed like ages as the years came and went
I had arrived at some point but, until much later, could not really notice

I dozed off many times to the sounds of a stream
I awoke from dreams of my own dreaming and I was vaguely uncertain

I created a rich inner life more enjoyable than the shared illusion of reality
I was molded day and night by the wills and choices of those I did not see

I sat quietly in the pre-dawn watching colors return to the countryside
I arose to plod through another day sharing this land of make believe

I went so far back through my life that there were no longer any memories
I concluded there must come another time like that, and it would begin very soon

I grew up with the security of the imagined wonders yet to come
I grew old in the comfort of my own refashioned memories

I imagined the world as it still might have become
I believed in a world as I wished it might have been

I listened attentively for sounds I thought I may have missed
I heard snatches of blissful silence punctured by their raucous outbursts

I set out on my way with trepidation, doubt and uncertainty many years ago
I traveled far with strangers and, happily, had no home to return to

I walked softly into the meadow with the sunrise at my back
I helped trample many of the finer things into the mud with my boots

I dismissed as unimportant their dogma that could have gained me success
I weaved odd snatches of facts into a threadbare cloak of illusion

I wished only to live peacefully, searching for a bit of quiet joy
I joined the hoarsely shouting throngs and raged uselessly, on a daily basis

I was filled with national pride and patriotism as a little boy
I grew ever more embarrassed and ashamed of what we had become

I saved as much as possible of my miserable take for those ‘golden years’
I saw my comrades gamble and waste but then demand bailouts and subsidies

I strolled through the shopping malls looking deeply into people’s faces
I noted the anger, fear, hurry, ignorance and greed in their gazes

I tried with all my being to understand and to make my peace
I only saw that it could make not any difference in 500 million years

I moved quickly and decisively through issues of consumerism
I observed a hairy caterpillar inch its way across a picnic table

I scanned the sky on clear nights for clues as to the mysteries
I found good evidence that we had wisely chosen to retain our blissful ignorance

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