Monday, January 3, 2011

Coming To

All my life, they were always there to help me as I struggled by
          And I kept on wildly thrashing, out into the weeds, far from any path

All those times they gave to me, many things I did not earn or deserve at all
          Still I never thought of joining them, to become a human being

Everywhere I traveled, people took me in and helped to clean me up
          I thought that I was thankful then, but now it simply brings me tears

Every time I took a new step, someone was there to help me with my fall
          But I believed I made my own way, asking nothing and with no help at all

Anything that I accomplished, someone stood quietly behind my shoulder
          Yet I blundered on, macho pride pulled down tight, across my eyes

All the things I read were gifts I ripped opened and then quickly cast aside
          And I thought that I was filling some kind of void with a congealing wisdom

All my life my debts increased as I made messes, everywhere I went
          I ragged upon our foolish leaders and I ignored those who kept things going

All those times they picked me up when I ran off blindly, then fell down
          And I only looked for the selfish lesson, as I hurried off once again

Everywhere I went it seemed I made a comfortable and easy living
          I never questioned the poverty and suffering that I saw all around me

Every time I made more new friends I had already cast aside the old
          Now, sometimes, I sit alone and wonder how they all have been

Anything at which I did not succeed was no real fault of mine
          My old attitudes are far more painful now, than those simple failures

All the things that I relied upon came from the invisible work of others
          Though far too late, I wish now to thank all those who came before me

All my life I broke unspoken promises and walked away from silent vows
          Yet somehow an unearned love at last began to open up my eyes

Far too often I took too much and threw away the spoiled remains
          Now I find a simple pleasure in the repair and use of castoffs

Everywhere I traveled gentle music played somewhere off in the background
          But I never took the time to stop and listen, with all of those good people

Every time I began to find a home I made new plans and simply drove away
          Now I wonder at my actions just as others did so long ago

Anything I finished I laid upon my own wondrous brightness
          But I merely perched in blindness upon the works of others

All the things I took for granted came with huge bills that I never saw
          These great debts I have accrued have now brought a poverty to my soul

All my life good people of quiet faith were always there to bail me out
          I never really saw them as they shook their heads in silent patience

All those times I only ranted over the stupidity, greed and waste I saw
          They just went on with the work that kept the wheels on our world

Everywhere I landed there were those who took the time to do things right
          Incorrectly, I thought them docile pawns of the fools who were in charge

Every time I lay upon the ground I saw only futility in their tireless efforts
          At last I grasp the great necessity of the endless, hopeless struggle

Anything I simply took for granted really took more effort than I was worth
          At least now I can work a while to pay off a bit of my debt of shame

The voices that now calm me, I did not have the time to listen to, way back then
          I wonder at the willful ignorance from which I may at last be emerging

All my life the work I did was based not on giving, but on taking
          Finally I stumble to the service of that which has quietly sustained me

All those times I weaved blindfolded, tottering across unknown landscapes
          I struggle with the memory of the dead zone that always expanded all around me

Everywhere I left my mark, good people stood and shrugged their shoulders
          Now I, too, cannot understand but then, I did not even know enough to try

Every time I grew too hateful, their calming aura drew me from the brink
          Finally I simply try to add a tiny phrase to that peaceful chorus

All the people that I never noticed were so puzzled as I blundered by
          Now, I often sit and shake my head, as if coming to from some harsh blow

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