Monday, January 17, 2011

Subliminal Logic

I went searching for algebra and found shiny wrestlers in makeup on steroids
You needed to form complete sentences but you wound up simply texting
On the trail of Latin etymologies there were several signs for real estate
Hoping for the Sports Section, protease inhibitors brought me disappointment

With the Physics Lust upon me, I wound up running fantasy computer Hos
Looking for a fast-food drive-through you stumbled on a partial integration
Imagining the count of stars in a galaxy, I saw infinite litter on the ground
After taking the shrooms, nanoscale quantum effects brought on tears of joy

Understanding the earth’s precession earned rewards of caffeine and sugar
Groping the remote yielded only a cross-section of a stupid shield volcano
Elliptical symmetry brought me in contact with the Tibetan Buddhist monks
Suddenly big screen Dolby StarWars became a black and white chemistry text

IPod shuffling along I reckoned which way the earth rotated under my feet
Bored with the Federalist Papers, you summoned PuffDaddy for a real lesson
Trying to win your heart, I brought you a copy of Newton’s Principia
She found the remains of a failed numerical integration in her makeup kit

The herd chewed their cuds patiently awaiting some singularity or another
The immigrant gave up on English and began speaking only computer codes
Struggling to find the exit they were surrounded by closely packed isobars
Seeing a Big Bang simulation he tried to remember what movie it was from

Following ignorant intuition I managed to re-invent cold fusion in a jar
Asphyxiating the zebra, the lion was unaware of the passing equinox
Gazing in the microscope she was appalled at what crawled in her mouth
Frightened by the frank uncertainty of the scientists they clung uneasily to their Bibles

Stumbling with tensors I found great relief in merely sweeping floors
Hungry for meat, salt and fat they found photosynthesis less than a miracle
Peering inside the simulation, I saw that it squirmed with differential equations
Magnetic Resonance Imagery clearly showed the unborn Crack baby’s grasping hand

I stumbled over the dog in the dark despite his obvious infrared signature
Hurrying to Wal*Mart, the family struck and killed a wandering singular matrix
Tired of my long confusion, I sought a chaos theory based solution
Reaching for a beer the trucker was struck by the fractal beauty of the highway

jogging through the park I caught just a glimpse of a tiny prancing Eocene horse
Looking for a parking spot he ran straight over evidence of plate tectonics
I saw blazing porch lights obscure photons billions of years old streaking from the sky
Amidst broken bottles and discarded needles, you found an irregular German infinitive

Stalled in traffic, I became a placid notochord in a vast and warm inland sea
Rising too quickly she hyperventilated images of complexity and uncertainty
Struggling up the Waterfall Model, I felt my colors fade like some tired salmon
The thick layer of ash, several million years old, did not effect her sales pitch, one iota

I used a laser to burn microscopic pits into a plastic DVD to backup my confessions
Distracted by her cellphone, she continued in motion relative to her car and the tree
I had had nothing to eat that day outside of an arbitrary constant of integration
He flipped channels idly searching for curvaceous Jungian archetypes

In the eyes of a boy with Down’s Syndrome I saw a single gene expressed
Facing the geological history in the Grand Canyon, he invoked a Biblical flood
Entering the abandoned cave I realized how much man needed dogs and fire
The fortune teller was nonplussed by her client’s vision of that Schrodinger’s cat

I contrasted the infinite with the uncountable pushing my cart down aisle 5
After the party, he dreamed of sensing a neutrino in an underground aquifer
Walking on the beach, I pondered those fossil human footprints from Africa
They found the Aurora Borealis far less spectacular than Disney’s wondrous fireworks

As we held each other tightly, the purpose of galactic clusters eluded me
The candidate dared not flipflop though the earth’s magnetic pole had reversed many times
Stumbling over quantum uncertainty, I whacked into one of Plato’s Ideals
He did not question where in Maslow’s Hierarchy his loud new pickup muffler fit

The sound of her medieval surname recalled in me Tolkein’s love of ancient Norse
Recoiling from the so-called fossils, she thanked Jesus for bilateral symmetry
Hearing their rancorous debate, I puzzled over the study of Creation Myths
They sought relief inhaling petroleum distillates from sealed plastic bags

Crawling on my hands and knees while scrubbing, I thought of approaching c
Bathing naked in ultraviolet rays, I mused upon their birth in far-off nuclear fission
Thinking of my trillion living cells, I felt my sense of self begin slowly to dissolve
Chronic inhalation of the particulates around her crib curbed her growth

I just made it better than it had to be and ensured that it was easy to repair
I hoped with our passing that this wonderful awareness did not simply disappear
I was struck by the unnecessary beauty of leaves without their chlorophyll
I observed orderly crystallization of atmospheric moisture into myriad snowflakes

Casually responding, a million reactions occurred simultaneously in my brain
I pondered whether the Golden Mean was truth revealed or facts discovered
At the turnstile, I had a vision of a supercomputer jet wing vortex simulation
She accepted perspective drawing without thinking, based upon so many examples

My attempts to decipher whale songs lead not to English but tended more towards Bach
His team raced to catalogue new life forms barely ahead of their extinction
I had trouble convincing myself that this hummingbird was not actually a miracle
Unconsciously I continued integrating discrete instants into a continuous past

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