Rainbow’s echo
Rainbow’s shadow
Rainbow coloring cemetery flowers
Mountain’s voice
Mountain’s tranquility
Mountain rising beyond smoggy city
Thunder’s greeting
Thunder’s gift
Thunder tumbling across the sky
Sunset’s presence
Sunset’s breath
Sunset freeing colors from onrushing night
Ancestor’s birthing
Ancestor’s dreaming
Ancestors pointing with hands upon my shoulder
Boulder’s meditation
Boulder’s history
Boulder sitting quietly for several million years
River’s shadow
River’s thoughts
River forming from individual drops
Thought’s greeting
Thought’s hoping
Thoughts gushing into the void from nowhere
Canyon’s breathing
Canyon’s twisting
Canyon persisting through mountain building
Sunlight’s absence
Sunlight’s fate
Sunlight sweeping horizons in each season
Rain’s voices
Rain’s colors
Rain forming jewels wetting the grass
Music’s shadow
Music’s direction
Music giving shape to uneven bits of silence
Silence’s voice
Silence’s movement
Silence deepening for the odd sound
Love’s whisper
Love’s question
Love permeating every thought
Night’s rays
Night’s vision
Night retiring from its day
Echo’s shadow
Echo’s fall
Echo rising with the doves
Sorrow’s pall
Sorrow’s light
Sorrow muting every sense
Wind’s pause
Wind’s burdens
Wind making music with the trees
Cloud’s shadows
Cloud’s dancing
Clouds dreaming our redemption
Dream’s opposite
Dream’s trail
Dreams evaporating with the dew
Fire’s crackling
Fire’s twinkling
Fire making things all right
Wisdom’s glance
Wisdom’s pain
Wisdom fleeing with the dead
Hand’s willing
Hand’s memory
Hands holding us safely protected
Leave’s song
Leave’s dance
Leaves falling around us all
Lake’s silence
Lake’s twinkle
Lake so comforting asleep beside us
Dog’s dreams
Dog’s smiles
Dogs sleeping in the shade
Flute’s feelings
Flute’s sensations
Flute wandering with the fingers
Child’s roots
Child’s gift
Child seeing for the departed
Star’s whispers
Star’s rhythm
Stars bidding us to a cold dance
Eye’s message
Eye’s reflections
Eyes filling with recognition
Tranquility’s voice
Tranquility’s honor
Tranquility declining to rule our lives
Moon’s message
Moon’s warmth
Moon remaining all our short season
Winter’s shadows
Winter’s calm
Winter joining us to the sun
Death’s grip
Death’s passing
Death welcoming in its way
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