Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Interview Questions

Tell us about the best thing you have ever done
What is the average depth of the ocean

Name the most important thing you would change if you could
Given the chance, what would you do differently with your life

Share a question that you have pondered time and time again
What magazines do you make sure to always read

Where and what were you before your earliest memories
What mechanical tool do you find you use the most

Explain an intricacy of your favorite plot
Describe in some detail the one person you knew and most despised

Explain one concept you accept as an article of faith
Why do humans always find it necessary to go to war

In how many languages do you have some fluency
How many languages should be official in one country

Should police use personal judgment or treat every case the same
Between electricity and running water which would you do without

Why or why not is human life more sacred than that of the animals
Explain the principle behind the internal combustion engine

Talk a little about the book that you are currently reading
Give the scientific names of the four days when the seasons change

How do you tell if you are doing something nearly at your potential
What sports do you participate in and how do you train

What ways have you found that you can express yourself
How would a greenhouse gas bring about global warming

If you have a car, what kind and how old is it
What is different about the nut securing a chop saw blade

Who do you think was the greatest American
Why are Asian immigrants more successful than Hispanics

Name your favorite mathematician, alive or not
If a man lived right but had no Savior, could he go to heaven

According to science, what is the age of the earth and the universe
If you watch television, name three shows that you like

Where do you go to find out about current news and events
What species is the largest vertebrate ever to live

What clubs or societies are you a member of
Approximately what percent of humans now live in poverty

How important is the abortion issue in relation to other problems we face
How wide and how thick is a wooden 2x4

What is the relationship of Intelligent Design to the Theory of Evolution
What’s on the menu for your favorite breakfast

What are the three planets closest to our sun
Everyone wants to hear of your most embarrassing moment

What is the approximate current human population of the earth
What do you fear more than anything else

Name the second highest peak in the Himalayas
Talk frankly about the biggest lie you have ever told

What Internet site do you spend the most time at
What was the most important event of the 20th Century

Ask a question that most people will not know and give the answer
Which continent is the largest of all

What determines the size of waves hitting a beach
What distinguishes man from other animals

Name one work of the very late J.S. Bach
How might your goals change if you knew you would live forever

If you had five minutes to live, right her and now, what would you do
How many prime numbers are there

Name three Canadian provinces and one Mexican state
What is di-hydrogen oxide good for

Would you call the conquest of the New World a great genocide
What is the longest time you ever went without speaking

What is the chief cause of animal extinction
What is a musical chord

How long will it be until your influence becomes background noise
What is the purpose of the ATP molecule

What civilization do you admire the most
Why should people be required a license to drive but not to have kids

Tell us something your father used to say
Why would humans be basically without hair

Who taught you the best and how were they so effective
When did the last ice age end

Who is your favorite painter and name your favorite work
How long ago was writing invented

What is your favorite tree
How are the animals used to make hamburgers killed

Do you have any pets, why or why not
What is escape velocity

What year was your mother born
What is the distinguishing characteristic of the earth from space

Who do you admire the most, either living or dead
Describe a problem in your field that you would like to solve

Would you take responsibility for control software on a manned spacecraft
Is mathematics an art, a craft, a science or something else

What is your own normal heartbeat
Tell us about your ancestry

What is the main difference between the sharks and the fishes
Talk about any project you are currently working on outside of work

What do you usually do on Saturday nights
How did the English language originate

How much money does the US spend on defense per year
Why or why not do you practice recycling

Where does your community obtain its water supply
What supplements or medications do you take

How far away is the moon
Why does the sound of a jet seem to come from behind it

What language has the most speakers today
What would you like to do on your ideal 3 week vacation

How old do you expect to be when you die
What would you do tomorrow if you could stop working today

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