Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Tao That

the Tao that is spoken cannot be heard
the Tao that is grasped still feels like the air

the Tao that is shared cannot be communicated
the Tao once observed is thereby forever altered

the Tao that is finally written
does not contain a single word

the Tao that is measured is thus resized again
the Tao once forgotten returns to its course

the Tao that is captured acts as does water
it reveals only the shape of its container

the Tao glimpsed as mere shadow
yields hints of its true nature

the Tao given off by events unrelated
forms the overtones stored within an echo

the Tao once grasped
evaporates quickly into nonsense

the Tao that is denied
accepts each and every argument

the Tao once visualized
dissolves like a dream upon reflection

the Tao exists not within us
but can fill our minds just the same

the Tao truly described
has no real outline

the Tao pursued
joins the moving shadows

the Tao defined
has no meaning

the Tao that is realized
lights our path without a source

the Tao imagined
is a dream of dreaming

the Tao ignored
is perfectly reflected

the Tao defiled
soils only the observer

the Tao once forsaken
creeps back from every side

the Tao clung to
does not remain on the fingers

the Tao not completed
gains eternal life

the Tao not considered
is freed to be revealed

the Tao not isolated
keeps to itself

the Tao not evaluated
retains its full potential

the Tao is not dilated
yet expands with the universe

the Tao not distanced
remains far away

the Tao not visible
is much easier to see

the Tao not called upon
gives forth a flood of answers

the Tao not present
outlines the entire truth within

the Tao not reconsidered
is considered once too often

the Tao not focused directly upon
reveals its minutest details

the Tao seen as shattered
is identical in each smaller piece

the Tao that is analyzed
is an unsorted and incomplete fossil

the Tao that is broken
is perfect in all respects

the Tao that bubbles from within
has a source outside the spring

the Tao that is filtered
gains impurities but loses nothing

the Tao that is polarized
is the same on either side of the filter

the Tao that fills the night sky
travels outside the speed of light

the Tao that covers everything
drifts down in spaces between the snowflakes

the Tao that lasts forever
never existed as it struck you

the Tao of uncountable infinities
exists outside of The Life Force

the Tao effects that we see
occur without actions that we could measure

the Tao that we will never know
we ignore at our utmost peril

the Tao that stretches back beyond forever
recurs completely in each smallest instant

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