Sunday, January 16, 2011

Quiet Coming

In the quiet of the early morning, before the sun comes up
          when the birds are still hidden sleeping
and the dew is on the grass
In the time before those things start over
          that make it like it is today
when the world seems as it was before we ever came this way
In the building light of the coming dawn, colors grow ever clearer
          as if my eyes were born again
in the details of the mountains, just beginning to emerge
In the quiet that I find within myself in the early morning
          I glimpse once more the things that I am missing still
but soon they disappear again in the brightness of the sun
In that rare stillness that comprises the very early morning
          when issues have been slept away
the potential of all the world brims over with possible new beginnings
In the cool sweet stillness left behind by the evening rain
          there is a sense of preservation
and an unearned cleansing mercy daubs my sleepy eyes
In the light that rims the horizon before the sun appears
          come colors to the landscape emerging from the gray
perspectives created quickly that must fade during the heat of day
In those early moments when the world can still make sense
          I awaken slowly with the birds and a draught of predawn cool
and through such a lens our previous despair seems very much out of place
In the hour where respectful whispers do not disturb the peaceful shadows
          the images of a nighttime's dreaming briefly coat this world
then they must evaporate with the dew at the end of the dawn
In the time when night lights fade away
          and hope once more can raise our hearts
then we trust there can be no end to these renewable beginnings
In those moments when the world is changing as quickly as the light
          there we sense so strongly the passage of our time
then I see most clearly a path that I should follow
In the precious little time before the awful noise begins again
          I regain any strength that I still retain
For there is no cover I might seek and there is no place that I could hide
In the gracious hour between the dark and the light
          Just before the hoarse cries begin again
there is still time to consider what's to come from what is passed
In the fresh air of a new day when the world is born again
          There can be time to take accounts and sense the larger flow
Instead of rushing randomly once more towards some fuzzy goals

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